February 10, 2025


Fantasy Formula 1 Management

Shake n Bake move into FFeM with Thrust n Bust

It was revealed yesterday that Team Shake n Bake have now officially formalised an application into FFem. At a press conference earlier today, held at the Electric Railway Museum in Warwickshire, the much maligned team Chairman Fredro Fwibbib made the following statement:

“Given the rise of electric powered vehicles over recent years, such as trains and automobiles, the team has taken the decision to embrace modernity, and spread its wings into the domain of electric motorsport.

“Whilst our ff1m team, and its sponsorship with Penzoil, represents the world of REAL racing cars, this new FFeM outfit will be brought to you in association with our close partner, and supplier of premium electronic products, Lovehoney.”

“The team will run as a separate entity to the parent FF1M and FF2M Shake n Bake teams. So, in honour of the Thrust Pro product line available in the Lovehoney online store, I am proud to announce the launch of “Team THRUST n BUST”

Under strict instructions from his severely overworked psychiatrist, Dr Kermit Downe, Fwibbib declined to answer any questions or elaborate further on the details of the team entry. It is believed this instruction was due to the Norwegian’s particular talent for landing himself, and the team, in hot water when going offscript on such occasions.

However, to compensate for the lack of media interaction on racing matters, Fwibbib held an engaging seminar with journalists on his model train collection, using the museum’s extensive Hornby facilities to demonstrate these exquisitly crafted miniature machines.

One of the journalists in attendance, who was also a member of a Diesel Train Preservation Group, was understood to be “deeply upset” by disparaging remarks made by Fwibbib towards the British Rail Class 31 locomotives.

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